Under the Wire

93'2018UKdirector: Chris Martincinematography: Steve Organediting: Dudley Sargeantproduction: Arrow Media

The desperate mission of two reporters in Syria.

On 13 February 2012, two journalists infiltrated the besieged city of Homs to document the fate of civilians trapped in what could only be a called a hellish situation. Marie Colvin, a well-known war correspondent for the Sunday Times, was accompanied by photojournalist Paul Conroy. A Syrian translator named Wa'el remained their faithful ally to the very end. In his film, Chris Martin recreates the drama of this desperate mission. Under the Wire is an electrifying example of a documentary action film and a tribute to these unique individuals. Ready to sacrifice literally everything in order ensure that the Western world knew the entire terrible truth the next time the Syrian regime claimed that it was only shooting terrorists.

Kino Luna
7.12 / 18:45
Screening followed by Q&A
Muranów Cinema, Gerard room
8.12 / 18:00
Screening followed by Q&A