We Can Do Better

74'2018Czech Republicdirector: Robin Kvapil, Radim Procházkacinematography: Robin Kvapil, Petr Racek, Petr Salabaediting: Dimitris Polyzosproduction: Robin Kvapil, Radim Procházka

The presidential campaign of a niche candidate: can common sense triupmh over populism?

Czech director and blogger Robin Kvapil, terrified by the idea of President Miloš Zeman winning another term, decides to do everything he can to make sure that someone else wins the presidential election in 2018. He joins the election campaign of Michal Horáček, businessman and independent candidate, as an adviser and documents it from the inside. Kvapil and Radim Procházka, the film's co-director, record everything: delierbations, meetings, television debates and the provocations of Horáček's political opponents. Their dynamic film shows what goes on behind the scenes when it comes to political marketing, while also showing that there is still room for common sense in top-tier politics.

Kino Luna
11.12 / 16:30