Central Bus Station

75'2018Czech Republicdirector: Tomáš Elšíkcinematography: Ondřej Belica, Tomáš Elšíkediting: Mariana Kozákováproduction: Frame Films

The world's largest bus station and its inhabitants.

The eponymous bus station is located in south Tel Aviv. The world's largest Brutalist concrete monstrosity, built over a period of nearly 30 years, turned out to be completely nonfunctional. But its kilometers of useless corridors, in which the sense of time and space is momentarily lost, conceal countless astonishing secrets. Walking through endless concrete passages, you can come across a Philippine shrine, mischievous Zionist performance art or a secret military command center. Elsik's experimental film perfectly captures the unreal atmosphere of this amazing building, which, at least to some extent, appears to be a metaphor for modern Israel. 

U-jazdowski Laboratorium
13.12 / 20:30