Erase and Forget

88'2017UKdirector: Andrea Luka Zimmerman cinematography: Andrea Luka Zimmerman, Taina Galisediting: Taina Galisproduction: Bright Wire Films

The real-life story of John Rambo.

The film's protagonist, James "Bo" Gritz, is an extraordinary character. A veteran of the Vietnam War who took part in secret operations in Laos, Burma and Panama, a prototype for John Rambo and several other Hollywood characters, he is now an icon for all kinds of opponents of the federal government, conspiracy theorists and firearm enthusiasts. Gritz is eager to talk about the shocking things that went on behind the scenes in these secret operations, although it is difficult to say how much of his revelations can be believed. Zimmerman's multilayered documentary is also a story about how modern legends are made and how the distorted mirror of American pop culture works.

U-jazdowski Laboratorium
8.12 / 21:00
Kino Luna
9.12 / 15:00