Our New President

79'2018Russia, USAdirector: Maxim Pozdorovkinediting: Maxim Pozdorovkin, Matvey Kulakovproduction: Third Party Films

The fake news carousel - American elections through the prism of Kremlin propaganda.

An insane carousel of fake news or, in other words, the campaign for US president through the eyes of Kremlin propaganda. Grotesque attacks on Clinton, who comes across as dangerous and unhinged, are juxtaposed against paeans in praise of the sexy, responsible and determined (much like Putin) Trump. Pozdorovkin shows how the Kremlin gradually took complete control of the media and just how far it went in its information war with the West. By interweaving clips of official news programs with recordings of Russian Internet users made in response to the former, the director reveals the mechanisms by which the propaganda machine operates: from decision makers in the highest echelons of power to rank-and-file trolls and useful idiots.

Kino Luna
9.12 / 20:30
Screening followed by Q&A
Kino Luna
11.12 / 21:00